Hello, my name is
Supratik Dutta
And I'm a

About me

I'm Supratik and I'm a

Greetings everyone!! Supratik this side. I hail from a small but beautiful town Siuri in West Bengal. I spent my childhood and school days in Asansol, West Bengal itself. I attended the prestigious Burnpur Riverside School and completed it with flying colours. I am grateful for everything to my alma matre. My aims are clear at this moment to work in a MNC having a desirable role. I expect to gain everything I desire and are capable to. As of this, it was not the same few years back when I dreamt to play cricket and represent my country. I had played club cricket for Burnpur Cricket Club at under-17 level and represented them in the prestiguous CAB league though life takes several unaccountable turns at every step and so it did few years back and might even in the future. We never know. Lastly, I appreciate you all for scrambling out your precious time for this. Do comment in the comment box at the end of the page if you liked it or whether want to provide me some suggestions for improvising. Every suggestion will mean a lot to me. Once again Thankyou somuch !!

My services

Web Design

I fell in love with web development in my initial years when I designed designs and templates for websites and It made me happy.


I think advertising is a convenient method to promote businesses. I am learning it from one of my experienced friend who has been into it for quite a time in social media. So a shoutout to him !!

Apps Design

Not much to say about this.. You guys gonna see an app in just a few days. So keep an eye on that too.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

As the bars depict, HTML and ig will be the strongest amongst the other requirements. Moreover, I have somewhat mastered other languages with the help of a certified course named "The Complete Web Development Bootcamp 2021". That really helped me gain a lot. I know there is still a long way to go but this is my first step to a never ending journey. Hoping to improvise on my skills in future bcoz at last nothing debars anyone from learning !!.Hoping to improvise on my skills currently and in the future.Thank You everyone for comin g till here..do comment in the comment in the comment box at the end of the page if you really liked it or wanna give me some suggestion to improve it. Every suggestion will mean a lot for me. Once again tysm !!

HTML 90%
CSS 60%
JavaScript 80%
PHP 50%
MySQL 70%


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